Thursday, December 17, 2009

Which Coda Violin Bow is Right for my Student?

This is a difficult question to answer. I have noticed that beginning students seem to do well with basic brazilwood bows as they can be a little heavier than average and are usually balanced more towards the tip. Those bows make it very easy to put the bow in the string and pull a big and even sound. Most brazilwood bows are very stable on the string. Once the student starts learning more difficult repertoire the bow can become difficult to handle. Spicatto, Staccato and Ricochet bowing techniques are some of the examples of when to move to a finer bow.

The only way to really be certain about which bow is the best choice is to have the student try out several. Everyone uses different bow pressure (arm weight) and bow speed and it's important to pick the bow that functions well for the student (not the teacher).

The Coda GX bow is an outstanding value for the money. In our shop it competes very well with wood bows that are priced four times as high. The Coda GX bow has become our best selling bow. The Coda Joule bow is also a great bow for advanced players, especially those who play fiddle music or extended range instruments. It gets an amazing clarity across all of the strings and is extremely easy to handle. The Coda Prodigy and NX bows are great step-up bows for the advancing student.

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